These resources have been created through many hours of obedience, prayer, study and teaching. They are to be used as tools to activate the Word of God in your life. Of course, the Word of God is already "living and active." (Heb. 4:12) But, it will never be alive and active in your life until it is obeyed, prayed over, studied, and spoken out by you. (James 1:22-25) My desire is that you would experience real transformation and intimacy in your relationship with Jesus as His Words become alive in your life. Remember, as you use these resources, the ultimate purpose should be in pursuing a person - God himself - rather than pursuing a book or resources about a book. May you be drawn closer into deep fellowship with your Creator and Lover, Jesus Christ. May your pursuit of him be richly rewarded, just as he has promised you. (Heb. 11:6)
Cliff Wrener, the author of these discipleship resources, has a passion for seeing Jesus’ church built up and sent out with power to reach the unreached. His particular focus is teaching and developing discipleship resources to serve the church in nations that have great need. After graduating from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (MDiv) in the USA and working as a pastor for seven years, Cliff and his family followed God’s call into overseas missions with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) Perth in 2002. During their time with YWAM, Cliff and his family worked extensively in China and other nations. For the last fourteen years, they have been ministering in Perth, Australia. Currently, Cliff is finishing a Doctor of Ministry degree in discipleship. Cliff is married to Cristine and has three beautiful children.
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